
taraVandaag een gastblog!

Een goede presentatie of speech kan een heel krachtige vaardigheid zijn. Onmisbaar als je verandering teweeg wil brengen. Onmisbaar als je mensen in beweging wil krijgen.


Daarom zijn we trots dat Tara Philips, Corporate en TEDx Speaker coach met ons samenwerkt om haar kennis en ervaring over spreken met ons te delen!


Vandaag is het gastblog van haar. Ze geeft hierin 3 krachtige tips om je publiek echt in actie te krijgen. wel in het Engels…


Binnenkort geven we samen een masterclass Impactful Presenting. Als jij serieus bent in verandering brengen. Kijk dan eens hier of dit iets voor jou is.


Succes met je impact! – Peter Clausman


A powerful device to use well

Throughout history, speaking in public has been a powerful device to inform, persuade and inspire.

Today that is just as true as ever.

(The conference industry has exploded; employees are required to share their ideas, information and progress with a presentation; business leaders must take-a-stand, in good times and bad; pitches are an everyday sales tool; workshops and trainings are ubiquitous.)

Done well, a speech or presentation can transform. Done badly, it can be disaster.

But let’s face it, for most people it’s in-between. A last-minute, scrambled together piece that leaves both presenter and audience knowing it could have been so much better.

Gone is the chance to get the team on board with that bold new idea

Gone is the chance to instil understanding and agreement on a not-so-welcome change

Gone is the chance to inspire reaching for this quarter’s new targets/kpi’s


But here’s the thing, most people don’t have the first clue about how to speak to inspire. In most organisations, it’s a “monkey-see, monkey do” approach; leading to a culture of directionless presentations that drown the audience in data and text heavy slides.


I say it’s time to step away from speeches and presentations that are something to endure. Let’s work towards ones that create impact and new perspectives, that empower change and stimulate motivation.


How to do that?


1) Know where you are steering the boat. It’s not good enough to have a topic, it needs to be distilled to one message. Before you do anything think about what you want to achieve with the presentation and ensure that your material backs up that message. Discard any material, no matter how much you like it, that doesn’t keep to message.


2) Speak to the head and the heart. We seem to confuse our audiences with robots and just bombard them with facts, figures and data. Remember, you are a human talking other humans and whether we like it or not, we make our decisions emotionally. Only then do we use the data available to back up that decision. So make ‘em laugh, make cry to make ‘em agree!


3) Throw away your slides. At least when you are preparing your material. A great presentation never came out of throwing together (other colleagues) slides and talking around them. Slides are a tool to help the audience, not a crutch for your lack of preparation! You must must must first work out what you are going to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. Then ask yourself if you need visuals to support it. Remember, your audience is smart and can take on your ideas. But no-one can effectively read and listen at the same time!


Wil je Tara eens live meemaken? Binnenkort geven we samen de Masterclass Impactful Presenting. Hier leren we je hoe je jouw publiek in actie zet. We geven daar 3 krachtige en makkelijk te implementeren aanpakken om meer draagvlak en vertrouwen te wekken met jouw speech. Kijk hier voor meer informatie.

By | 2018-01-05T20:57:14+00:00 September 20th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

About the Author:

Avatar for Peter Clausman
Peter Clausman helpt mensen binnen organisaties, die zien dat het beter kan, om hun visie en ideeën te realiseren. Peter gelooft dat deze mensen cruciaal zijn voor de toekomst van de organisatie. Meer tips over hoe jij het verschil kan maken? Leer hoe je ruimte en steun krijgt voor wat jij echt wil in je organisatie

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